IK / FK Matching
* Copy the script below to the clipboard and paste it into Maya/Script Editor to be able to execute.
import maya.cmds as cmds
DefaultSwitchKeyword='Switch, switch, SWITCH'
DefaultLimitValue = 0.0
#ik/fk matcher script
#for our 2 functions, the expectation is that uset has selected an IK/FK switch control
#how can we figure out by selecting the switch control to know the joints
#we can validate the switch control selection by checking it for our switch custom attribute
def joint_selection(switch_option):
#get the current switch option menu selection
switch = cmds.optionMenu(switch_option, q = True, value =True)
#get the parent of the switch control
parent_grp = cmds.listRelatives(switch, parent=True)
#get the children of the parent
children_grp = cmds.listRelatives(parent_grp, ad=True, fullPath=True)
found=False#bool attribute for while loop
count = 0#count attribute for while loop
joint_constraint = ''
#if children exist:
if children_grp:
#while loop to check every item in the children list
while count<len(children_grp) and found==False:
#if the type of the item is parent constraint
if cmds.nodeType(children_grp[count])=='parentConstraint':
#stop looping
#assign the item to a variable
count+=1#continue loop
#if parent constraint exist:
if joint_constraint != '':
#get the short name of the joint constraint
short_name = joint_constraint.split('|')[-1]
#get the connected joint from the constraint
connection=cmds.listConnections(short_name, type = 'joint', d=False, s=True)
#remove repetitions
connection = list(set(connection))
#if connection is not empty:
if connection:
#get the wrist joint
wrist_jnt = connection[0]
#assign the parent of the wrist joint to the variable (elbow joint)
parent_jnt = cmds.listRelatives(wrist_jnt, parent = True)
#if the parent of the wrist joint exists:
if parent_jnt:
#assign it to the variable elbow_jnt
elbow_jnt = parent_jnt[0]
#assign the parent of the elbow joint to the variable parent jnt2
parent_jnt2 = cmds.listRelatives(elbow_jnt, parent = True)
#if the parent of the elbow joint exists:
if parent_jnt2:
#assign it to the variable shoulder joint
shoulder_jnt = parent_jnt2[0]
joints = [shoulder_jnt, elbow_jnt, wrist_jnt] #create a variable for joints
return joints
cmds.warning('Could not find proper joint hierarchy based on the constrained joint.')
return None
cmds.warning('Could not find proper joint hierarchy based on the constrained joint.')
return None
cmds.warning('Could not find any joint constrained to the control.')#warning message
#confirm dialog to let the user choose a joint
joint_confirm = cmds.confirmDialog(title = 'Joint confirmation', message = 'Could not find any joint constrained to the control. If you would like to continue, please select the the wrist joint that the control affects.', button = ['Yes(with the joint selected)', 'No'])
#if the user wants to continue
if joint_confirm == 'Yes(with the joint selected)':
#get the selection
sel = cmds.ls(selection = True, type = 'joint')
#if user selected smt:
if sel:
#get the wrist joint
wrist_jnt = sel[0]
#assign the parent of the wrist joint to the variable (elbow joint)
parent_jnt = cmds.listRelatives(wrist_jnt, parent = True)
#if the parent of the wrist joint exists:
if parent_jnt:
#assign it to the variable elbow_jnt
elbow_jnt = parent_jnt[0]
#assign the parent of the elbow joint to the variable parent jnt2
parent_jnt2 = cmds.listRelatives(elbow_jnt, parent = True)
#if the parent of the elbow joint exists:
if parent_jnt2:
#assign it to the variable shoulder joint
shoulder_jnt = parent_jnt2[0]
joints = [shoulder_jnt, elbow_jnt, wrist_jnt] #create a variable for joints
return joints
cmds.warning('Could not find proper joint hierarchy based on the selected joint.')
return None
cmds.warning('Could not find proper joint hierarchy based on the selected joint.')
return None
cmds.warning('Nothing selected.')
return None
return None
cmds.warning('Could not find any parent constraint. Please check whether the control has a constraint.')
return None
cmds.warning('Could not find any parent or other objects under the same hierarchy.')
return None
def get_fk_controls(fk_joints):
fk_controls = []#preset fk control list
#for loop to go through every fk joint
for jnt in fk_joints:
#get the children of the joint
children = cmds.listRelatives(jnt, fullPath = True, c=True)
count = 0#count for while loop
found = False#bool for while loop
joint_constraint = ''
#if children exist:
if children:
while count<len(children) and found==False:#when checking every child of the joint
if cmds.nodeType(children[count])=='parentConstraint':#if the type of the child is parent constraint
found=True#stop while loop
joint_constraint=children[count]#assign it to the joint constraint var
count+=1#continue counting
#if joint constraint exists:
if joint_constraint != '':
#get the short name
short_name = joint_constraint.split('|')[-1]
#get the connection
connection=cmds.listConnections(short_name, d=False, s=True)
connection = list(set(connection))#remove repetitions
#for loop to go through every connection
for each in connection:
#get the shape of the connection
child = cmds.listRelatives(each, fullPath = True, shapes = True)
#if shape exists:
if child:
if cmds.nodeType(child[0]) == 'nurbsCurve':#if the type of the shape is nurbcurve
fk_controls.insert(fk_joints.index(jnt), each)#add it to the corresponding fk control list
cmds.warning('Could not find any constraint under {]'.format(jnt))
cmds.warning('Could not find any children under {} '.format(jnt))
if len(fk_controls)==len(fk_joints):#if find every fk control
return fk_controls
return None
def get_ik_controls(ik_joints):
ik_controls = ['']#preset ik control list
#get all the ik handles
handles = cmds.ls(type = 'ikHandle')
ik_handle = ''
#for loop to go through every handle in the scene:
for each in handles:
#get the connection of the ik handle type joint
connection=cmds.listConnections(each, d=False, s=True, type = 'joint')
#check if the connection joint is one of the ik joint
for jnt in ik_joints:
if jnt == connection[0]:
ik_handle = each
#if there is an ik handle that is connected to the ik joint
if ik_handle != '':
#get the connetion of the ik handle
handle_connection=cmds.listConnections(ik_handle, d=False, s=True)
#remove repetitions
handle_connection = list(set(handle_connection))
#for loop to go through every connection
for each in handle_connection:
#if the type of the connection is a constraint
if 'Constraint' in cmds.nodeType(each):
#get the short name of the connection
short_name = each.split('|')[-1]
#get the connection of the handle connection
connection=cmds.listConnections(short_name, d=False, s=True)
connection = list(set(connection))#remove repetitions
#check every connection
for con in connection:
#get the shape of the connection
child = cmds.listRelatives(con, fullPath = True, shapes = True)
#if shape node exists:
if child:
if cmds.nodeType(child[0]) == 'nurbsCurve':#if the connection type is a nurbcurve
ik_controls.insert(1, con) #add to the ik control list as elbow control
children = cmds.listRelatives(ik_joints[2], fullPath = True, c=True)#get the children of the wrist joint
count = 0#count for while loop
found = False#bool for while loop
joint_constraint = ''
if children:#if children exist
while count<len(children) and found==False:#when checking every child of the wrist joint
if cmds.nodeType(children[count])=='parentConstraint':#if the type of the child is parent constraint
found=True#stop while loop
joint_constraint=children[count]#get the constraint
if joint_constraint != '':#if parent constraint exist
short_name = joint_constraint.split('|')[-1]#get the short name
connection=cmds.listConnections(short_name, d=False, s=True)#get the connection of the short name
connection = list(set(connection))#remove repetitions
for each in connection:#for loop to go through every connection
child = cmds.listRelatives(each, fullPath = True, shapes = True)#get the shape of the connection
if child:#if shape node exists:
if cmds.nodeType(child[0]) == 'nurbsCurve':#if the type of the shape is nurbcurve
ik_controls.insert(2, each)#add the connection as wrist control
cmds.warning('Could not find any constraint under the wrist joint.')
return None
cmds.warning('Could not find any children under the wrist joint.')
return None
cmds.warning('Could not find any ik handle connected to the joint of the selected switch control.')
return None
if len(ik_controls)==len(ik_joints):#if find every ik control:
return ik_controls
cmds.warning('Faild to evaluate the ik controls for the ik joints.')
return None
def ik_mode(switch_option, attr, ik_val):
#get the joints based on the switch selection
joints = joint_selection(switch_option)
#if joints exist:
if joints != None:
#get the forearm length between elbow and wrist
forearm_length = cmds.getAttr('{}.translateX'.format(joints[2]))
#get the upperarm length between shoulder and elbow
upperarm_length = cmds.getAttr('{}.translateX'.format(joints[1]))
#get the arm length
arm_length = (forearm_length+upperarm_length)
#get all the joints in the scene
joint_all = cmds.ls(type = 'joint')
fk_joints = []#predefine fk joint list
ik_joints = []#predefine ik joint list
#for loop to go trhough every joint
for each in joint_all:
#for loop to go through every joint of the control
for jnt in joints:
#if the joint contains fk keyword and the control joint name:
if DefaultFKWord in each and jnt in each:
#add the joint to the fk joint list
fk_joints.insert(joints.index(jnt), each)
#else if the name of the joint contains ik keyword and the control joint name:
elif DefaultIKWord in each and jnt in each:
#add the joint to the ik joint list
ik_joints.insert(joints.index(jnt), each)
if len(ik_joints)==len(joints) and len(fk_joints)==len(joints): #if find every fk joint and ik joint
#get fk controls
fk_controls = get_fk_controls(fk_joints)
#get ik controls
ik_controls = get_ik_controls(ik_joints)
if fk_controls != None and ik_controls !=None:#if get the controls successfully
#match translation and rotation of the wrist ik to the wrist fk
cmds.matchTransform(ik_controls[2], fk_controls[2], pos=True, rot = True)
#match translation and rotation of the elbow ik to the elbow fk
cmds.matchTransform(ik_controls[1], fk_controls[1], pos = True, rot = True)
#move the elbow control back
if arm_length > 0:
cmds.move(0,0, -arm_length, ik_controls[1], relative = True)
elif arm_length <0:
cmds.move(0,0, arm_length, ik_controls[1], relative = True)
#get the ik value in the ik text field
ikValue = cmds.textField(ik_val, q=True, text = True)
#set the switch control to ik value
switchAttr= cmds.optionMenu(attr,q=True, value = True)
switch = cmds.optionMenu(switch_option, q = True, value =True)
cmds.setAttr('{0}.{1}'.format(switch, switchAttr), float(ikValue))
cmds.warning('Failed to find ik joints or fk joints. Please check the naming.')
def fk_mode(switch_option, attr, fk_val):
#get the joints based on the switch selection
joints = joint_selection(switch_option)
#if joints exist:
if joints != None:
#get all the joints in the scene:
joint_all = cmds.ls(type = 'joint')
fk_joints = []#predefine fk joint list
ik_joints = []#predefine ik joint list
#for loop to go through every joint:
for each in joint_all:
#for loop to go through every joint of the control
for jnt in joints:
#if the name of the joint contains fk keyword and the control joint name:
if DefaultFKWord in each and jnt in each:
#add the joint to the fk joint list
fk_joints.insert(joints.index(jnt), each)
#else if the name of the joint contains ik keyword and the control joint name:
elif DefaultIKWord in each and jnt in each:
#add the joint to the ik joint list
ik_joints.insert(joints.index(jnt), each)
if len(ik_joints)==len(joints) and len(fk_joints)==len(joints): #if find every fk joint and ik joint
#get the fk controls based on the fk joints
fk_controls = get_fk_controls(fk_joints)
roAxis = ['X','Y','Z']#set the axis
if fk_controls !=None:#if get fk_controls successfully
#for loop to run 3 times
for jnt in range(0,3):
#for loop to go through every axis
for ro in roAxis:
#get the value of the rotation of the ik joint
value = cmds.getAttr('{0}.rotate{1}'.format(ik_joints[jnt], ro))
#set the value of the ik joint to the fk joint
cmds.setAttr('{0}.rotate{1}'.format(fk_controls[jnt], ro), value)
#get the fk value in the fk val text field
fkValue = cmds.textField(fk_val, q=True, text = True)
#set the switch attribute value to the fk value
switchAttr= cmds.optionMenu(attr,q=True, value = True)
switch= cmds.optionMenu(switch_option,q=True, value = True)
cmds.setAttr('{0}.{1}'.format(switch, switchAttr), float(fkValue))
cmds.warning('Failed to find ik joints or fk joints. Please check the naming.')
def change_attribute(switch, attr,ik_val, fk_val):
#get the current attribtue selected in the attribute option menu
attribute = cmds.optionMenu(attr, q=True, value = True)
#get the switch option
selection = cmds.optionMenu(switch, q = True, value =True)
#get the limit of the selected attribute
if cmds.attributeQuery(attribute, node=selection, minExists=True, maxExists=True):
limit = cmds.attributeQuery(attribute, node=selection, range=True)
limit = [DefaultLimitValue, DefaultLimitValue]
#put the minimum to ik value
cmds.textField(ik_val, text=limit[0],edit= True)
#maximum to fk value
cmds.textField(fk_val, text=limit[1],edit = True)
def change_switch(option, attr, ik_val, fk_val):
#get the current switch option menu selection
selection = cmds.optionMenu(option, q = True, value =True)
#if selection exists:
if selection:
#get the user defined attributes in the selected switch controls
switch_attr= cmds.listAttr(selection,ud=True)
#get the attribute option menu items
menuItems = cmds.optionMenu(attr, q = True, ill = True)
#if there are things exist in the attribute option menu
if menuItems != None and menuItems != []:
cmds.deleteUI(menuItems) #delete those items
#if user defined attribute exists:
if switch_attr:
# for loop to go through each attribute
for at in switch_attr:
cmds.menuItem(label=at, parent=attr)#add them into the attribute option menu
#get the limit range of the first user defined attribute
if cmds.attributeQuery(switch_attr[0], node=selection, minExists=True, maxExists=True):
limit = cmds.attributeQuery(switch_attr[0], node=selection, range=True)
limit = [DefaultLimitValue, DefaultLimitValue]
#if ik_val and fk_val are not default values
if ik_val != DefaultLimitValue and fk_val != DefaultLimitValue:
#change the text field ik value to the minimum limit
cmds.textField(ik_val, text=limit[0],edit= True)
#change the text field fk value to the maximum limit
cmds.textField(fk_val, text=limit[1],edit = True)
cmds.warning('Could not find any user defined attributes in this control.')
cmds.warning('Could not find any switch control containing the keyword. Please re-enter the keyword')
def search_switch(txt, option, attr, ik_val, fk_val):
#get the items in the switch option menu and assign them in a var
menuItems = cmds.optionMenu(option, q = True, ill = True)
#if there are things exist in the switch option menu:
if menuItems != None and menuItems != []:
cmds.deleteUI(menuItems)#delete the items in the switch option menu
#get the text from the keyword text field
text = cmds.textField(txt, q=1, text=1)
#split the keyword text
key= text.split(',')
#define the var for the keyword list
#for loop to go through the text field keyword after splitting
for each in key:
#append each item in the new keyword list var
#get all the transforms in the scene
sceneAll = cmds.ls(type = 'transform')
#set a var for the switch list
#for loop to go through every transforms in the scene
for item in sceneAll:
count=0 #set the count var for checking every keyword in the while loop
found = False #bool for stopping the while loop
#when checking every keyword and haven't found the item:
while count< len(keyword) and found==False:
if keyword[count] in item: # if the item contains the keyword
#get the shape of this item
sp = cmds.listRelatives(item, shapes=True)
#check if the type of the shape is a curve
if sp:
if cmds.nodeType(item+'|'+sp[0]) == 'nurbsCurve':
get_switch.append(item)#append the item to the switch list
#set the found bool to true, stop the while loop
count+=1#if cannot found anything with that keyword, check the next
#for loop to go through each item in the switch list
for each in get_switch:
#add each item to the switch option menu
cmds.menuItem( label=each, parent=option )
#if the attribute is not empty: to automatically update the attribute option menu and value layout
if attr != '':
#change switch
change_switch(option, attr, ik_val, fk_val)
#if get switch is not an empty list:
if get_switch:
return get_switch[0] #return the first item of the switch list
return None #else return none
def create_ui():
script_ui = 'IK/FK Matcher' #The name of the UI
ui_width = 400 #The width of the UI
attr = '' #pre define the var for the attribute
ik_val=DefaultLimitValue #pre define ik val
fk_val= DefaultLimitValue# pre define fk val
#if the window has already existed, then delete the one.
if cmds.window(script_ui, exists = True):
#create the ui window
wd = cmds.window(script_ui, width = ui_width, title = 'IK/FK Switch')
#The main layout (top of the hierarchy)
main_layout = cmds.rowColumnLayout()
#define description layout
description_layout = cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns = 1)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
#description texts
cmds.text(label='1. Use keywords to find IK/FK Switch Control (use , to separate each keyword)', align = 'left')
cmds.text(label = '2. Select the switch control and the switch attribute in the drop-down menu', align = 'left')
cmds.text(label = '3. Adjust the attribute values.', align = 'left')
cmds.text(label = '4. Use IK Mode Matcher button or FK Mode Matcher button to match the pose', align = 'left')
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
#parent it to the main layout
#search layout
searchWidth = [(1, ui_width*0.25), (2, ui_width*0.55), (3, ui_width*0.2)] #The width setting for the columns
#define the layout
search_layout = cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, width = ui_width, columnWidth = searchWidth)
#text to describe the text field
cmds.text(label=' Switch Keywords: ', width = searchWidth[0][1])
#text field for entering the keywords. by default it takes the var DefaultSwitchKeyword
txt=cmds.textField(text=DefaultSwitchKeyword,width = searchWidth[1][1])
#button to search by using the keywords.by pressing it goes to the function search_switch
search_button= cmds.button(label='Search', width = searchWidth[2][1], command = lambda *args: search_switch(txt, switch_option, attr, ik_val, fk_val))
cmds.separator(visible = False)#separator
cmds.separator(visible = False)#separator
cmds.separator(visible = False)#separator
cmds.separator(visible = False)#separator
#parent the layout
#switch layout
switchWidth=[(1, ui_width*0.25), (2, ui_width*0.75)]#switch layout width setting
switch_layout = cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns = 2, width = ui_width , columnWidth = switchWidth)#define the layout
#describing text
cmds.text(label=' IK/FK Switch:',width = switchWidth[0][1])
#option menu for selecting the result of the search button. when changing the selection, it goes to the function change_switch
switch_option= cmds.optionMenu( width = switchWidth[1][1], changeCommand=lambda *args:change_switch(switch_option, attr, ik_val, fk_val))
#find the switch using the default value and assign it into a var
default_switch=search_switch(txt, switch_option, attr, ik_val, fk_val)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
#descibing text for the attribute selection
cmds.text(label=' Switch Attribute: ',width = switchWidth[0][1])
#option menu for selecting the attribute.
attr=cmds.optionMenu(width = switchWidth[1][1], changeCommand = lambda *args:change_attribute(switch_option, attr,ik_val, fk_val))
#if it finds a switch control by using the default value
if default_switch != None:
#find user defined attribute in the switch control
default_attr = cmds.listAttr(default_switch,ud=True)
#add the user defined attribute into the attribute option menu
for at in default_attr:
cmds.menuItem(label=at, parent=attr )
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
#parent the layout
#value layout
value_width=[(1, ui_width*0.25), (2, ui_width*0.25), (3, ui_width*0.25), (4, ui_width*0.25)]
value_layout = cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns = 4, width = ui_width)#define the layout
#set the default ik value and fk value
#if default switch exists by using the default keywords and default attribute has values:
if default_switch != None and default_attr:
#assign the attribute limit value(min+max)to the limit if the min and the max exist
if cmds.attributeQuery(default_attr[0], node=default_switch, minExists=True, maxExists=True):
defaultLimit = cmds.attributeQuery( default_attr[0], node=default_switch, range=True )
else:#otherwise it still takes default value
defaultLimit = [DefaultLimitValue, DefaultLimitValue]
#otherwise the limit takes the default value
defaultLimit = [DefaultLimitValue, DefaultLimitValue]
#describing text for ik value
cmds.text(label=' IK Value: ',width = value_width[0][1])
#text field for ik value
ik_val=cmds.textField(text=defaultLimit[0] ,width = value_width[1][1])
#describing text for fk value
cmds.text(label=' FK Value: ',width = value_width[2][1])
#text field for fk value
fk_val=cmds.textField(text=defaultLimit[1] ,width = value_width[3][1])
#describing word for ik joints keyword(for finding the joints)
cmds.text(label=' IK Joints Keyword: ',width = value_width[0][1])
#text field for the ik keyword
ik_key=cmds.textField(text=DefaultIKWord ,width = value_width[1][1])
#describing word for fk joints keyword
cmds.text(label=' FK Joints Keyword: ',width = value_width[2][1])
#text field for the fk keyword
fk_key=cmds.textField(text=DefaultFKWord ,width = value_width[3][1])
cmds.separator(visible = False) #separators
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
cmds.separator(visible = False)
#parent the layout
#button layout
button_width=[(1, ui_width*0.5), (2, ui_width*0.5)] #the width setting for the layout
#define the layout
button_layout= cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns = 2, width = ui_width, columnWidth = button_width)
#button for ik mode
ik_button=cmds.button(label='IK Mode Matcher',command = lambda *args: ik_mode(switch_option, attr, ik_val) )
#button for fk mode
fk_button=cmds.button(label='FK Mode Matcher',command = lambda *args: fk_mode(switch_option, attr, fk_val))
#parent the layout
#display the window
#call the window
© Jiuyang Wang │ 778-926-0288 │ einjw2999@gmail.com